Please answer all of the following questions: (Make sure you proofread and use complete sentences)
1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know" powerpoint, what are some things that strike you about the facts presented?
1) What is the value of learning?
2) What is your role as a learner?
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First of all, wow. I was just blown away by the depth of his presentation. My knowledge of the world just was diminished and then blown up in a matter of minutes. When I read about a $1,000 computer that could out-think the entire human race within 40 years is exciting yet scary at the same time. Overall I thought that it was a great and powerful powerpoint.
WOW, i cant even believe how HUGE technology is in todays world. If Myspace was a country it would be the 5th largest in the world? Thats a super hard concept for me to grasp, its kind of overwhelming. Because things like Myspace and Facebook are something I use almost daily, and a computer smarter than the human race? does that scare anyone else? I think learning things like technology now-a-days is a value so we aren't so scared or overwhelmed when computers that extreme come along. My role as a learner is to obtain information so i can live in this upcoming world Mr. Fisch sees in our near future.
WOW, this presentation was amazing to watch! Its crazy to think that India has more honor kids then we have in the United States!!! We think that United States is getting bigger and bigger as the second but really its quite small compared to China and India. Just to think Myspace and Facebook is like a whole new country. Thats overwhelming to read and think about. My role as a learner is to take information off of other students and combine it with my own information.
The slide show shown to me was breathtaking. I was amazed by all the facts shown in the slide show, literally every one! This slideshow should be shown to everybody in the world so they can see how the world is changing.I beleive the most interesting fact I have ever learned in life was on this slide show. In conclusion I beleive my role as a learner is to keep learning and never stop.
Incredible! That whole power point astonished me with some amazing facts, but the most startling was that technology doubles every two years. In such a little amount of time technology that amazes us will soon be outdated. This is everything like televisions, iPods and most of all computers. A computer that could be smarter than a human was thought to be out of the question but will soon be a reality in the near future. This shows that the word impossible does not exist when it comes to creating new technology.
After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown it has changed my mind set greatly. Most of all the facts that were presented reallyt stuck out especially all of the facts about the populations and the econemy. The value of learning in my opinion is so that once you hold what you have learned, you also have the ablity too teach others. My role as a learner is too take what i have been taght and teach others or try to make what i have learned useful in my daily life.
After watching Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know" PowerPoint throughout the whole day I was thinking about how much technology has grown over the years. In the beginning, the PowerPoint stated how many babies would be born during it and as I was watching it I was not only thinking but I was most definitely thinking about that. When I got home and started texting I was thinking about the text messages over exceeding the population. My role as a learner is to not only get and education but to make something of myself and be able to live in a world with technology smarter than the human race.
1) Wow! I can’t believe how huge technology is these days! It’s impossible to imagine that in the future a $1,000 computer could possibly be smarter than the whole human race. Also, I think it’s amazing that if MySpace was a country it would be the 5th largest in the world! That is easy for me to imagine because almost everyone I know has either a Facebook or a MySpace.
2) I think that the value of learning is the most important thing if the human race wants a good future. Todays kids, teens, and young adults are tomorrows CEO’s of major companies, missionaries, business men and women, lawyers, etc. So I would imagine that learning should be put first in everyones mind. According to the power point, “Did you know”, America’s school system is not the best it could be. We are 25th from the top on education in the world.
3) My role as a learner is very important to me and probably the country. It is up to us as learners to create the future and what it will hold for everyone in the country.
the powerpoint was amazing all the facts blew me away. All the baby's born during the slide show was astonishing. I would never had known any of the facts that Mr Fisch put in his slide show if i didnt watch it. The slide show showed that soon the value of learning will be done for use by computers. My role as a learner would be to know some of these facts and see if i could do anything to make a difference in the facts presented. For example help make the new super computer that could be the role of my learning. But all in all Mr Fisch's slide show helped me learn a lot more about the future and the present.
Tom s.
1)I was amazed by the, "Did you Know," power point by the fact that computers and technology has become the most important thing in our society at this time. The facts that MYSpace would be the fifth largest country or that they could invent a computer smarter than a human is mind boggling. It makes you think that the most important thing to learn in this time is how to operate a computer and other technology.
2) The value of learning is so that we can know all the events and history that have happened in the past. We also have to know what we can do so that we can succeed in the present. Once we have learned those,only then can we be ready for the future.
3) My role as a leaner is to gather all the information that is presented to me. Then I can work on how that information proteans to the every day world. It's a process that involves the collection of information and ends in the usage of this knowledge.
I honestly don’t have any words to say. This powerful presentation just took my breath away. As soon as the presentation started and the music started to play, I was immediately drawn into the amazing facts. This made me think, a computer that could out-think a person?! WOW, that’s truly amazing. Not only did Mr. Fisch's presentation educate me with unbelievable facts, it also taught me the values of learning and what my role is as a learner. I think a major part of success in life is an education. Learning is a very valuable thing that every person should be granted with. My role as a learner, I think, is to create my own path during my school career. It's not to follow someone else's path, but to stand independently and work my way to my goals. This presentation, over all, taught me numerous facts and many life-long lessons that I will use for the rest of my life.
1.)From the PowerPoint Presentation, "Did you know?" What struck me the most was how China will soon be the biggest English speaking country. I am also amazed how how soon computers will be smarter than the human brain.
2.) The value of learning is getting a job in the future and understanding the ways of life. It also has`a great role of influncing people and helping the economy when you grow up.
3.) My role as a learner is to pay attention, be responsible, and encourage others to do the same.
The facts presented in Mr. Fisch’s “Did you know” PowerPoint amazed me. It’s weird to think that if Myspace were a country it would be the fifth largest in population. Another fact that caught my attention was in time China will become the number one country to speak English. In my opinion the value of learning is priceless because knowledge is power. My role as a learner is to take information I am given to improve technology and make the world a better place.
After viewing Mr. Fisch's powerpoint, I was at a loss of words. Its just amazing how much change is coming up within the next few years, and its also a little scary. I mean a computer smarter than the human brain? Just thinking about that creeps me out. The value of learning is to prepare for life and the future, so we're ready when all these drastic changes start to happen. My personal role as a learner is to make sure i'm ready for all these jobs that don't even exist yet, because if all the statements in that powerpoint are true, alot of the jobs we have now won't exist in the near future.
After viewing Mr. Fisch’s world renown “Did you Know” powerpoint I really understood the concept that our world is changing! I never realized how much the world relies on technology, but 1 in every 4 couples meet online which shows me that there is nothing that technology doesn’t do. To think that the there are people out there making computers to do things that we don’t even know about yet is just mind boggling to me. The value of learning these days is so important because if you don’t learn it how can you be expected to live in it? We may not realize it but in a few years we will be the ones in charge and meeting the standers that have been set so high, and possibly be setting new ones.
1.)After viewing Mr.Fisch's world-renown "Did you know" powerpoint i was just amazed by the facts that were presented. One of the most amazing facts that i saw was that a computer could soon be smarter than a person. I also thought it was so incredible that we use technology so often in our everyday lives, for example when he presented the fact that the amount of sent and recieved text meassges each day, exceeds the population of the world!
2.)The value of learning is very significant. Without learning our entire world could not excel in anyting it does. We need learning so that we can get better to help our world.
3.)My role as a learner is to take the information that iam taught and do something useful with it for our world.
1. While I was watching the “Did You Know” powepoint presentation, one fact that really surprised me was that if Myspace was a country, it would be the fifth largest in the world. That astonished me. Also, it was shocking to hear that a computer could soon out-smart humans. Plus, with technology growing enormously, there will be jobs that don’t even exist yet that we have to prepare for. I couldn’t believe most of what I was seeing.
2. The value of learning is one of the most important things you can do. It determines what you will do for the rest of your life. Your education will play a big role in where you go to college and what job you’ll have.
3. My role as a learner is to try my hardest at every assignment I do and get the best education I can and never to give up.
Very interesting. I've already begun emailing it around. Its deep, insane, hysterical, and scary. I still don't understand how the U.S.A. is so far behind in broadband internet penetration (Behind Luxembourg, lol).Another great part about The slideshow is that it shows how invaluable learning is. The more prepared we are, the better we can handle the unknown. My role as a learner is to absorb as much information as i can in my brief remaining school years.
1) I thought that his presentation was overall amazing. Almost everything in the powerpoint striked me! But some things like myspace would be the second largest country in the world is just crazy. It shows you how technology is almost taking over! But I really liked that presentation. It showed me a lot of interesting facts that i would NEVER know about.
1) I think the value in learning is how you make it. Personally I think the value is very important because I want to go to college. But to someone else it could be totally different.
2) My role as a learner is to be respectful and do the best I think I can do. And learn from the people around me. Because you never know what will happen in the near future.
The slide show shown in English class was amazing, I never thought of comparing Myspace to a country. Also the thought that India has more honor kids then we have in the whole United States is amazing. The value of learning is basically your future and career. the better your learning is, the better your life will be. What my role as a learner is, is to go to school and participate to the best of my ability, do more than you need to and give 112% in class that is what my role as a learner is.
The power point blew my mind away. My brain just could not keep up with all the neat facts. The first thing that came to my mind was that China had more honors students then we have kids. Also the computer that could out think a persons brain in 40 years was just amazing. To sum up I think that the power point was awesome and I hope that they do it again next year.
OMG! I was shocked about a few things that i had no i idea some facts were even true... This power point was its amazing how we were watching that babies was being born. An to think that we use technology that dont even exist?...thats weird but interestiong at the sametime..i think its great to think about things like this to know that something is going on every second day and night it dont matter. There are some cool facts to know.
That powerpoint was very cool and left me with tons of outstanding new facts that i never wouldve known. some of the points that i am impressed/interested in are that computers could be smarter than the human brain in 40 years, if myspace were a country it would be fifth largest in the world, and that kids are being prepared for jobs that dont even exist yet!
i believe that we have a role as learners to learn al that we can about every subject so that we will be prepared for any jobs that could lie in our paths. also things in our everyday lives. i think the value of learning is high because our society is basicly built around it.
The powerpoint was amazing. I didnt catch eveything in it because i cant read that fast, but i did catch every bit that told us all about where our country and the world is going as a whole.
My value of learning is extremely important, especially in this class because I am a song writer so I want to be able to use what I learn and make my songs more in depth, and personal, and real.
My role as a learner is someone to kind of be the ease to boringnes of anyclass to give it some attitude. Another role I have is to be someone who pays attension and just learns what i need to learn.
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